September 15, 1993 VENDORS.TXT Dear Distributor: Please include this program BRAINO in your next catalog. Braino is a difficult but interesting set of quizzes meant for people with above average intelligence and/or resourcefulness. The program is free and even includes "payware" which means several of the users will actually be paid for using the program. That should appeal to quite a few people. The various text files give most of the details you need. No special requirements although a mouse comes in handy. Readme.txt covers that. We know you will want to review programs before placing them in your catalog. We are therefore including the answers below to allow you to go through the various steps without much trouble. Needless to say, this particular text file should not be included on any disk sent to your customers. Thank you, Groff Software 279 Topaz Way San Francisco CA 94131 ANSWERS For use of distributors. Not to be given to customers. (You can use upper or lower case. Makes no difference) 1-hello 2-tennis 3-pi 4-5 5-1098 or MXCVIII 6-loves 7-atlanta 8-24 9-atra 10-47 11-ma¤ana 12-9152 13-cascade 14-611 15-64 16-y 17-woo 18-53 19-much 20-24619970 21-109 22-superior 23-took 24-e 25-william 26-59 27-winters 28-3/11 29-astronomers 30-31486 31-october 32-quite 33-6 34-tent 35-fathom 36-84 37-39784 38-avast 39-284 40-single 41-train 42-nelson 43-american 44-144 45-942 46-seas 47-elvis 48-montana 49-washington 50-maltese 51-miami 52-4 53-570140 54-armor 55-case 56- 57-inane 58-flabby 59-125 60-nero 61-23 62-. 63-ahab 64-california 65-7 66-1237 67-1961 68-educate 69-p 70-likewise 71-849 72-356 73-salsa 74-hens 75-8128 76-pens 77-313 78-pekoe 79-prince 80-4 81-florence 82-k 83-18 84-salt 85-blues 86-162 87-lincoln 88-4 89-7 90-able 91-secret 92-31 93-riots 94-2000 95-sees 96-26496 97-ocean 98-water 99-36 100-loco